US authorities bought up about 90% of the three-month supply of Remdesivir, which is used in the treatment of COVID-19. In fact, now countries in Europe and the United Kingdom have limited access to medicine. It is reported by The Guardian.
It is noted that America at the end of June ordered about 500 thousand doses of the drug. Andrew Hill, a senior guest scientist at the University of Liverpool, believes that this way most of the Remdesivir is in the US arsenal, while Europe has almost nothing left.
According to him, this action by the United States exposed the problem of regulating access to medicine, which could drive the market into a dead end.
Back in May, scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States proved the effectiveness of Remdesivir in treating coronavirus. In addition to the accelerated recovery of patients, it turned out that the drug reduces the proportion of deaths among patientsRemdesivir