Simple Tips to Help Lose Pounds and Maintain Weight Loss

Tips to Help Lose Pounds and Maintain Weight Loss

The internet is loaded with thousands of sites offering quick weight loss solutions. All this information might be overwhelming, misleading, and confusing. In most cases, they don’t even work. Basically, it’s a bubble of myths and baseless opinions.

Scientists have put years into studies and research to curate a list of weight loss options that are effective. We’ve compiled a list of these comprehensive strategies to boost your weight-loss inspiration in your journey towards a healthier you, with the right tips and nutrition facts.

Working the Diet

You are what you eat
You are what you eat

According to scientists and food nutritionists, you cannot outrun a bad diet. Basically, what this means is that your diet is the core of your lifestyle, and change must originate from what you feed the body. Here are a few weight loss tips that will help you curate the right weight loss diet with complications and side effects. If you don’t know where to start, consult a specialist about weight loss nutrition.

  • Cut the Refined Carbs

Ours is a fast-food generation, and most of our foods are processed and cooked in unhealthy ways. Reducing your carbs’ calorie intake will help in reducing weight, but eliminating processed foods from your diet will work the magic.

Feeding on whole carbs will help you stay full for much longer, thus reducing the need to snack every now and then. Avoid food products that claim to be low-fat, low carb, or net-carb. These products contain sweeteners, starch, processed wheat, and sugar alcohols. These ingredients tend to increase blood sugar, thus causing cravings and hunger pangs.

  • Increase Vegetable Intake

For starters, vegetables and fruits contain low calories and a high percentage of fibers, meaning you can eat as much as you want to. This is also a good way of supplying your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Fruit might sound like a healthy option, but it’s not recommended for people trying to cut off weight. This is because fruits are 10% sugar in their weight. This means that 5 fruit servings equal 500ml of soda.

  • Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

A glass of wine is good for your body, but overdoing it tends to cause more harm than good. Alcoholic beverages contain calories, and regular consumption means you’re increasing your calorie intake. Also, if we’re being honest, drunk people seldom make the right dieting choices.

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Hydrating often reduces hunger and boosts your metabolism
Hydrating often reduces hunger and boosts your metabolism

Have you ever felt so hungry before meals only to drink a glass of water and feel okay? Confusing thirst for hunger will lead to unnecessary calorie consumption. Also, drinking water before mealtime will boost your metabolism by up to 30%, and it also helps you consume less food.

If water is too monotonous, you can drink black coffee or green tea as an alternative. Do not use sugar or sweeteners. This is also an excellent alternative to caffeine supplements.

Caffeine has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 11%. Green tea contains antioxidants that increase fat burning.

Getting Active

Exercising is one of the most common weight loss options amongst many people. Other than helping you get in shape, getting busy in the gym increases your metabolism and helps you remain active for longer.

Even though one can shed off weight without working out, there are specialized weight loss exercise routines that will help you achieve your goals faster. They include High-Intensity Interval Training and cardio.

In addition, weightlifting has been scientifically proven to help in weight loss journeys. Lifting weights will burn off more calories, and it will prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

It’s important you plan out your weight loss workouts with the help of a trainer. This ensures that your exercises are sustainable and effective, especially during periods of staying inside. Working out is great for people who want to tone their bodies and get in shape.

Curating the Lifestyle

Our lifestyle is a collection of habits and choices we make every day, meaning that our actions and preferences determine who we are, inside and out. If you constantly make poor feeding choices, reckless drinking, or poor sleep patterns, you’re probably struggling with weight issues.

Changing your lifestyle will have beneficial results in your weight loss journey, regardless of the methods you use. Here are a few lifestyle tips that will help.

  • Plan for Meals and Avoid Snacking

Stocking up on snacks and processed foods will only make it harder for you to keep track of your eating habits. If anything, they will only undo your progress. Having ready-to-eat food around the house will make it impossible to avoid unnecessary feeding.

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Plan your meals to include lots of vegetables and healthy fats
Plan your meals to include lots of vegetables and healthy fats

If you must stock up on snacks, go for healthy options such as oatcakes and granola, plain yogurt, or baby carrots. Creating a meal plan will guide you in calorie counting, and it will also help you create a shopping list.

  • Intermittent Fasting

Contrary to what your parents made you believe, it is okay to miss meals once in a while. This is one of the most effective strategies, and it can be more rewarding if paired with weight loss workouts.

Basically, intermittent fasting is taking a break from constant feeding for a certain period. There are several types of fasts, with others going for longer periods. You can start with a freestyle fast-that is, fast for as long as possible to test your limits. There are several fasting apps that you can use.

  • Fix Your Sleeping Patterns

It’s normal to have sleepless nights once in a while, either due to stress or excitement. However, not proper relaxation habits, inadequate sleep, and poor sleeping habits increase the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that increases hunger pangs.

Going to bed early allows your body enough rest hours to reduce stress hormone levels. When one is sleep-deprived, they often have low self-discipline, and the resolve to workout becomes almost non-existent.


Weight loss is a lifestyle, and what you do to shed off the pounds is what you have to do to keep it off. The key lies in persistence, especially at the beginning of the process.

Have you tried some of the tips above? How is that working out for you?

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